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Your company’s long-term success is important to us.
PivIT Solutions was started with a simple belief in mind: people can really like their IT provider.
As a team of consultants we have experienced first-hand how impactful the effective use of technology can be in an organization when its implementation is connected to the organization’s mission and paired with a positive working relationship.
Too often IT service providers are looking to maximize profits and, in doing so, minimize customer service. This can work in the short-term, but will never lead to a productive relationship in the long-term.
At PivIT Solutions we believe in investing in our staff, from training to the tools utilized, our technicians are highly qualified to support your business. Our goal is to make decisions for the long-term success of our clients and this is reflected in our billing models, in our hiring practices, and all other aspects of our operation.
PivIT Vision


Maximising the potential of technologies puts you in good hands with us.

PivIT Solutions is a Canadian-owned and operated business, and we are proud of this fact. We believe that there are so many great organizations in Canada and there is also a great amount of potential in the technologies of today and of tomorrow. If Canadian organizations are going to maximize the potential of these technologies they need an IT partner that is going to understand their mission and work for the outcomes that can only be realized through an intentional, meaningful technology strategy.

Our vision is that every Canadian organization has access to this type of IT partner and we believe that PivIT Solutions is able to deliver on this promise.


Keeping up with ever changing technologies is key in our business.

PivIT Solutions is a firm that understands that there is tremendous potential in the scale of computing power available to organizations today. We also understand that this new exponential set of technologies introduce new complexities, risks, and compliance requirements.


Our Managed IT Services offering uses state of the art technology to manage, monitor and maintain your IT infrastructure, so you can concentrate on running your business and trust your IT is in good hands.


Taking no shortcuts in delivery to our clients, we offer a world-class Cloud Datacenter platform that is owned by PivIT Solutions and located entirely in Canada in a secure location, with full redundancy and governed by multiple regulatory bodies. Our goal is to give your business an edge in today’s competitive marketplace. We also offer Cloud platforms from Microsoft, Amazon, Google, and others.


Having PivIT Solutions as your technology partner means that you can have your data in your own office, your city, a datacenter on the other side of the world, or the right combination of each. The needs of your organization can change dynamically and PivIT Solutions is continually evolving alongside the technology we deliver allowing us to respond at the same pace.

PivIT Technology
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